The Ad-O-Matic: Why hire an ad agency to do your creative work when you can take care of all your advertising needs in house!?

The Ad-O-Matic: Why hire an ad agency to do your creative work when you can take care of all your advertising needs in house!?

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awesome…love to see meaningful content on this site. good to know there are people concerned more about our careers than who can make the grainiest triangles in outer space. ;-)


What was the message of this piece?
-Being worked like an abused idea-machine?
-Satire on the creative process or client-agency relationship?
-Campain against companies creating in-house agencies?
-Satire on misconceptions of creating in-house agency?
-Mockery of how client’s perceive an agency?
I wish it was crystal clear.
I also wish it didn’t LOOK like it was drawn and animated in flash.

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