Le Castle Vania “Prophication”

The music video teaser of Le Castle Vania’s forthcoming EP “Prophication” is a space odyssey rendered in vintage hues. Created by Evan Viera with Pablo Lizardo, Jarred de Beer and Tommy Wooh.

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About the author

Justin Cone

/ justincone.com
Together with Carlos El Asmar, Justin co-founded Motionographer, F5 and The Motion Awards. He currently lives in Austin, Texas with is wife, son and fluffball of a dog. Before taking on Motionographer full-time, Justin worked in various capacities at Psyop, NBC-Universal, Apple, Adobe and SCAD.



And Kilian Eng….




Stanley Kubrik and Katsuhiro Otomo I say. They all look the same to me… Enough nostalgic sci fi please… I’m tired of these hipster artists, Eng and all ripping off the old masters.




Hipster artists ripping off the old masters? Personally I find Kilian Eng’s work relatively fresh. Google image search him.

Of course these days there’s a lot of that kind of stuff that looks ‘inspired’ by Kubrick or Otomo (or Moebius…) for sure, but certain shots in this Prophication video are so derivative of some of Eng’s pieces, that I’m surprised its getting this much mainstream publicity.


I hate to belabor the banter, but I have a problem with you using this Eng guy as a metric for originality. Clearly you didn’t grow up in the 70s, and clearly you weren’t old enough to appreciate the scifi classics as they hit the silver screen. I’ve been in this industry far too long, and sadly I might be the only person reading motionographer with an adult’s memory of the 80’s futurists.

You clearly know little of your sources. I’ve seen Eng’s work before, and it’s far from original. His work is a more saturated Moebius, set in a world designed by Mead, who paints lights on buildings exactly like Otomo. Say what you want about this music video for “Le Castle Venetian-blinds”, they are both ignorant lads standing on the shoulders of incredible designers.

Anyway, I’m done and moving on. That was my rant for the week. Oh and even the DJ’s name is a 1980’s reference to the video game. Wow! Move on you hipsters!

Luciano Munoz

awsome artists and they made it with free and open source blender =)

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