After Effects: Feature Platform

Sander van Dijk

From the creator:

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For the past twenty years, After Effects has been one of the primary software programs used by animators. I, myself, have been using if for over ten years. As such, I’ve been wanting to create a public place for ideas and features that can be shared with the After Effects team not only to give them a sense as to how we work but also what features could be useful—as our animations continue to evolve.

I collected all feedback I could find—from scrolling through endless blog pages to observing how some of the best animators prefer to work. Combining this with countless hours of my own experience—and ultimately getting deep into the inner-workings of AE, I’ve been able to produce what I believe is a thorough and realistic list of feature requests. To help visualize this better, I’ve used images and animation to show how the features could potentially be integrated into the program.

Now it’s up to you to vote and comment and let the community know what features you would like to see integrated the most. Of course, if I missed anything or if you have ideas that could make any of mine better—please don’t hesitate to comment.