It’s Back: Yule Log 2.0(14)!

Gather round world wide web! Daniel Savage, Oddfellows and Wondersauce have banded together to present the blazing work of over 80 artists. Inspired by the… Read more

Amon Tobin ISAM 2.0 – Leviathan

Chicago-based studio Leviathan crafts a creative projection-mapped piece to provide an immersive stage experience for Amon Tobin’s ISAM 2.0 tour.  Check out the making of… Read more

Prologue: Iron Man 2

To see the full collection of work Prologue created for Iron Man 2, head over to Prologue’s site. For those of you who’ve seen Iron… Read more

The Mill: Angry Birds 2 Promo

Angry Birds 2 Promo directed by Francois Rousselet, VFX by The Mill. Agency: Wieden+Kennedy Commissioner / Producer: Lou Hake Creatives: Paddy Treacy, Mark Shanley Account Director:… Read more

ARD & ZDF, “Caveman”

Caveman 65″ [qt: 900 506] Teaser Catapult 15″ [qt: 900 506] Teaser Club 15″ [qt: 900 506] Credits Title: “Caveman” Client: ARD and ZDF Lenght:… Read more

DANIELS Strip to Their Underwear

Directing Duo : Daniel Scheinert and Daniel Kwan aka DANIELS, just released a music video for an FM Belfast track titled Underwear. “And all you… Read more

Motion +61 DVD: Volume 2

Motion +61 DVD: Volume 2 has been released, and it looks promising. The showcase of Australian talent includes work from Collider, CO-OP, Monkeylab, Qube Konstrukt,… Read more

Trapcode Particular 2

Take a look at some of Trapcode Particular 2’s new features in this advert from All Bets Are Off (Aharon Rabinowitz and friends)

Shilo: Mercenaries 2 “Ca$h”

UPDATE: A directors cut with an alternate soundtrack can be found on Shilo’s site. Click on “Directors Cut” next to “Broadcast.” Working with San Francisco… Read more

Prologue: Iron Man 2

For those of you who’ve seen Iron Man 2 (has anyone not seen it?), you know that Robert Downey Jr. shares the screen with Mickey… Read more

Elastic: Arrowhead Nature’s Fix

[pro-player width=’468′ height=’300′ image=’’ type=’video’][/pro-player] What’s more illicit than bottling water and shipping it across state lines? Just about everything. But that didn’t stop Elastic… Read more