Ray Dynamic Texture

Textures can be a great way to enhance your work. They can also be quite laborious! Thankfully, Sander van Dijk is here to make all… Read more

Making waves with Punanimation

Meet Punanimation, the new directory of women, trans and non-binary people working with animation and motion graphics.

Make Motion With Motionographer

At Motionographer, we see ourselves as a blend of these two: a combination of organic creativity and structured innovation.

Posting Criteria

When new projects are sent to Motionographer®, we ask ourselves the following questions: Is it innovative? Is it exceptionally well-crafted? Is it built on an… Read more

Darren Booth

Darren Booth: Opportunity for Collaboration Check out the work of Canadian-based illustrator Darren Booth. His layered compositions and visible brushtrokes have a nice energy to… Read more

Psyop: Coke

Psyop recently finished up a couple quirky spots for Coke. "Cloud" is a blend of stop-motion and cel animation that has a retro feel to… Read more

RBG6: Orange

I’m loving all the new Orange spots from RGB6 (with London agency Mother). So far, RBG6 has posted seven spots from the series. The first… Read more

Elephants Dream

I’m posting Elephants Dream mainly because of the production story behind it. Created primarily using open source software (with Blender doing the heavy lifting), this… Read more

Clik Clak

A very clever short film with a rather unforeseen emotional ending, by a french 3D animation crew who call themselves, Clik Clak. We can all… Read more