Pic Pic Andre

I saw the work of this French stop-motion artist (correction: it seems this is a duo from belgium, and here is their site) awhile back… Read more

Raquel Falkenbach updates

Raquel Falkenbach, previously part of Nakd (2003-2004) and Lobo (2005-2006) has recently updated her site with a lot of new work. The majority of the… Read more

Smith & Foulkes for PLATFORM

One of my favorite animation/direction duos, Smith & Foulkes (of Nexus Productions), has decided to jump on the stop-motion bandwagon in this title sequence for… Read more

Machine Molle

Paris-based Machine Molle defies easy definition. They do a little of everything: vfx, design, motion graphics, custom scripting. The result is an intriguing body of… Read more

“Nathan Love” Has Arrived

The mission is simple: Have fun, do great work, and make people smile. Judging by their website, Nathan Love has been involved in some fantastic… Read more

Royale Goes Live

Brien Holman, Jayson Whitmore and Jennifer Lucero have officially launched Royale. Brien and Jayson are bringing their extensive design and animation experience to the table,… Read more

Happiness Factory 2

Looks like the motion graphics grand masters are at it again. Wieden+Kennedy Amsterdam and Psyop just released a continuation to their Happiness Factory story for… Read more

Xtra Legs

The Three Legged Legs directing collective has definitely shown considerable growth and progress since they launched waaaay back in 2005. A major site update and… Read more

Thorbjorn Ankerstjerne: Pflum Form

With his project Pflum Form, Thorbjørn Ankerstjerne mixes one part installation art with one part design to create a unique mechanism for creating live visuals.… Read more

Play-Doh Passion

The new Bravia spot for Sony by Passion Pictures is online now and is just wonderful. They used 40 stop-motion animators in New York City… Read more

OFFF NYC and Inspire 08

Just a quick note to remind you that OFFF tickets are still on sale, but they might be gone soon. The festival lineup includes people… Read more

Lexus Pop Up

Just when you thought pop up ads could not be done again, agency Team One along with Stylewar as director came up with a whole… Read more

Light play with UVA

United Visual Artists have some new work to show off. First up: the visuals they created for the Chemical Bothers concert in Trafalgar Square. These… Read more

Benjamin Goldman: New York Divided

I’m not sure how old this project is, but a reader recently shared with me a Benjamin Goldman-directed visual essay, “New York Divided; Slavery and… Read more

The Aliens are Coming

Remember when motion graphics were fun? Remember when it was just you and a couple of friends screaming and playing your music and somehow making… Read more

IKEA Catalogue 2.0

This new interactive video/catalogue for IKEA is simply brilliant. From a purely cinematographic perspective, the quick-cut intro sequences followed by ultra slow-motion shots convey the… Read more

Canadian Forces

This website for the Canadian Forces recruiting group is interesting on many levels. From a motion graphics angle, the introductory videos for each of the… Read more