Prologue: Iron Man 2

For those of you who’ve seen Iron Man 2 (has anyone not seen it?), you know that Robert Downey Jr. shares the screen with Mickey… Read more

It’s Back: Yule Log 2.0(14)!

Gather round world wide web! Daniel Savage, Oddfellows and Wondersauce have banded together to present the blazing work of over 80 artists. Inspired by the… Read more

FITC Toronto

FITC Toronto begins next week (4/25 – 4/28)

Le Soupe: Europe 2 TV

Some of the work in Le Soupe’s montage of IDs for Europe 2 TV really gets under my skin. Sorry. Bad joke. But hey, the… Read more

Motion +61 DVD: Volume 2

Motion +61 DVD: Volume 2 has been released, and it looks promising. The showcase of Australian talent includes work from Collider, CO-OP, Monkeylab, Qube Konstrukt,… Read more