Combo Post

Apologies for my near absence from Motionographer over the past week. I’ve been working like mad on a couple projects for school, and I haven’t… Read more

Assembly: Tip Top

Beautiful animation and  storytelling in this Tip Top commercial, created by Assembly.

Grab Bag

There’s a lot of stuff I want to talk about, and I’m not sure if I should put it all in one massive post, or… Read more

When creators turn evil, fun ensues

Animade recently released Milo Targett’s “Lido Sim,” a cute, post-modern take on the long tradition of animators toying with their animated creations. The short’s protagonist attempts to… Read more

Talented Italians

Recently I was introduced to the insanely talented director Lorenzo Fonda. His work deserves a post to itself but he’s collaborating with the talented graffiti… Read more

Oktobor’s Jonny Kofoed

I saw this cheery Tip Top advert over at Feed, but I wanted to enjoy it at a larger resolution. So I dug a little… Read more

Amautalab: New Work

Fun-loving Amautalab recently posted a series of nutty spots for Fernet 1882, an Italian alcoholic drink consumed in Argentina. In keeping with agency Madre’s vision… Read more