Supinfocom :: La Peste

Here’s another brilliant short directed by Supinfocom students, Olivier Dubocage, Michal Firkowski, Benoît Galland and Gildas Le Franc, telling a gruesome account of a town… Read more

La Gaite Lyrique

Yves Geleyn has delivered this dreamy Short Film for the french Gallery La Gaîté Lyrique, a new venue in Paris featuring digital art and contemporary… Read more

Wayne White in LA

If you are in the LA area November 16th, go see the amazing Wayne White talk about his art, life and experiences working on shows… Read more 2011

Europeans! People within convenient travelling distance to Barcelona! Don’t miss out on 2011, a 2-day design conference at Imagina Auditorium. Highlights include a video… Read more

Benjamin Renner

Two short films by Benjamin Renner – Le Corbeau voulant imiter l’Aigle (Raven wishing to imitate the Eagle) and La Queue de la Souris (The… Read more

Ege Soyuer Site Update

The multi-talented Art Director Ege Soyuer recently updated his website. For the past few years he has been a member of the dream team over at Buck LA… Read more