Beauty of the Beast

Amazing updated site and work by Christopher Lee, aka The Beast is Back, a designer at Buck and oneheckofa great illustrator to boot. He’s got… Read more

Capacity: “Upgrade + Mobilize” Q&A

Click to watch “Upgrade + Mobilize” on Capacity’s site. Upgrade + Mobilize In the words of Capacity’s Ellerey Gave, “Before we became designers and animators… Read more

Halogen: Branding a Network from the Ground Up

[qt: 785 441] It’s not every day that a new network is launched. And it’s not every day that the network has a strong social… Read more

Blacklist for Diet Coke: “Fit” and “Summit”

[qt: 848 480] Titles: “Fit”, “Summit” Client: Diet Coke Advertising Manager, Diet Coke: Andy Deutsch Account Director: Thomas Harvey Account Supervisor: Hanna Nesper Newell Account… Read more

Holbrooks: Red Cross “Parcel”

Holbrooks (aka NYC and Budapest-based Tom Brown and Daniel Gray) for the Red Cross. Original music and sound design by Antfood. If you’ve never seen… Read more

The coke taste of machinima

I’m sure by now we all are familiar with what machinima is, or at least have seen it’s most popular representative, red vs. blue. If… Read more

Industry Giants

We are excited to announce the Industry Giants 2015 lineup! We have an amazing group of folks coming to Dallas for this one day only… Read more