Bot & Dolly: Box

“Box,” a new short film/performance from design and engineering studio Bot & Dolly produced in association with The Creators Project, takes projection mapping, well —… Read more

Beautiful Title Sequences: The Fall

Here at Motionographer Towers, we’ve decided to kick off a mini-series of what we consider to be truly beautiful title sequences. Rather than limiting ourselves… Read more

Dante’s Inferno Trailer

[qt: 786 589] Storyboards and Development Check out the storyboards and some making-of imagery behind this epic project. Interview The following is an interview with… Read more

Playgrounds Festival 2015 [NSFW]

Ten Dutch designers and studios collaborated to make the titles for this year's edition of the Playgrounds Festival. The result it one happy, random, neatly… Read more

Josh Raskin for Google

Many Motionographer readers will no doubt recognise Josh Raskin as director of the Oscar nominated short ‘I met the Walrus’. Personally I’d been wondering what… Read more

Trailer Thrash

First and foremost, kudos to Justin for running this amazing website and acting as the provider to all of us in the motion world, no… Read more

Elijah Raps for Shilo / Cartoon Network

Shilo recently directed and animated this nice little promo for Cartoon Network. A combination of traditional cel, 2D, 3D animation, together with hand-drawn imagery and… Read more

Polynoid: Loom

Yes, Polynoid‘s long-awaited short Loom is finally online. And it’s amazing! The plot is as simple as “a moth being caught in a spider’s web”,… Read more

Cream O’ the Crop Criteria

The Cream O’ the Crop is Motionographer’s opinion of the best of the best studios and individuals in the fields of motion graphics, visual effects… Read more

Cartoon Network Spain

Great camera work and sense of space in this 2.5D Halloween journey from Cartoon Network Spain

State of Design 2009

Thanks for attending my State of Design presentation at Promax|BDA North America. Below you’ll find my playlist, including links to videos and credits. Again, I’d… Read more

On the Radar with Sehsucht

Part of Sehsucht’s Hamburg studio Plan of attack for “Black Poem” Plan of attack for “Black Poem” A peek inside some C4D files for “Oil”… Read more

BNS – Zune “Stacks”

Brand New School releases “Stacks” for Microsoft’s Zune audio player. Says BNS: First we designed twelve albums featuring the most exciting fake artists of our time.… Read more

Prologue: The Game is Afoot

If you were one of the millions of people who caught Sherlock Holmes over the holidays, you probably found it to be a rollicking good… Read more