Mara Smalley

Veteran designer Mara Smalley has relaunched her web presence with a selection of sumptuous design work. Mara often incorporates painterly abstraction into crisply designed tableaux, giving… Read more

ManvsMachine new site

London-based design and motion studio ManvsMachine has launched a new site.

Virtual reality is not filmmaking

Let’s agree on something: 360-degree video presented inside a virtual reality headset isn’t really virtual reality. It’s a novel, sometimes powerful experience, but it’s not what makes VR arguably the most… Read more

The Genius of Play

Working with Mash Studio, Tom Rainford focused his directorial talents on The Genius of Play, a 9-part animation series for for the Toy Industry Association.  Each of the 9… Read more

Artist Profile: Sean McClintock

With nearly 20 years experience under his belt, Sean McClintock has done a little bit of everything.  From the early days of Flash during the… Read more

Review: Division05’s “Snapdragon”

We review the latest educational offering from Division05, "Snapdragon," a comprehensive dissection of a real-world motion graphics project for Qualcomm.

Step by Step: Freddy Arenas

In this Step by Step profile, look over the shoulder of one of our industry's best. Here, Freddy Arenas dives deeper into his recent exploration… Read more

Two More Envelope-Pushers

If you’ve been reading this site (or Tween) for any time at all, you know I love to talk about the convergence of web and… Read more

Great Scott!

Steve Scott recently updated his site and put up loads of work. Steve is a London-based illustrator and animation director, who is currently represented by… Read more

A New Model: Hooray or Nay?

I got an email recently from The Radar Festival about a new initiative they’ve launched. Here’s the gist of it straight from the horse’s mouth:… Read more

I Was a Layer Tennis Competitor.

Last Friday I took part in the first Layer Tennis match done in After Effects. My opponent was Jason Koxvold, who I had previously collaborated… Read more

Jeffrey Metzner: 1941-2008

Jeffrey Metzner, head of the Motion Graphics dept at the School of Visual Art, passed away Friday, February 15th. While I didn’t know Mr. Metzner,… Read more