Min Stora Dag

When a new project from Stockholm-based Brikk drops, I can count on two things: I won’t understand a word of it. I will watch it… Read more

A tour of Hannah Jacobs’ work

Hannah Jacobs' work captures the best qualities of animation: Each of her films feel human, emotional and made with intent.

Down The Rabbit Hole

"Down the Rabbit Hole" is a psychedelic odyssey that blends 2D and 3D techniques in a series of delightfully surprising moments.

Animated A-Z

Al Boardman (one of the folks behind the 9 Squares project), has shared his compilation of typographic explorations for the 36 Days of Type Project.


JM Blay's Magical Quest: Translating Mistborn from Page to Screen - Breaking Free from Constraints to Unleash Creativity

Motion plus design

Pour la première fois en France, Motion Plus Design invite 8 des plus grands noms du Motion Design international à Paris! INVITÉS : GUEST #1… Read more


There is something brewing which may be of some interest to those down-under. Sam Coombes, Marketing Manager at MTV Networks Australia, sent us some info… Read more

Inspire 07 Schedule

Inspire 07 is fast approaching, and I’m getting really excited. This thing has really blown up! Our lineup of speakers is awesome, and the Cream… Read more

The (In)famous Craigslist Post

The text below was originally posted on Craigslist (and quickly removed by admins) in response to the ridiculous job offers there soliciting creative services for… Read more

Adam Gault: Lantern Fishes

I’ve raved about Adam Gault before, and as long as he keeps creating amazing work like his recent Lantern Fishes, I’m going to keep on… Read more