Zulu Alpha Kilo: Spec

This video is making the rounds on social media, and for good reason. It’s funny, smart and spot on. Just in case you’re lost, allow… Read more

Lots of Stash stuff…

I got a copy of this month’s STASH DVD, and wanted to pass along some of the notable work that was on it. Bran Dougherty-Johnson’s… Read more

Interview: Freestyle Collective

Stills from the MTVK launch series From the opener for Fly, a DVD magazine Still from a FUEL ID entitled “Chemistry” From the show package… Read more

Trembled Blossoms

Starring a denuded Eve-like figure, Trembled Blossoms is another attempt for a high-end fashion company to capture the power of moving pixels. I’m not sure… Read more

More Fallon, More Sony

Fallon’s latest (over-hyped) project for Sony follows a familiar formula: Take an urban setting, flood it with something that would otherwise be unremarkable and set… Read more

BNS – Zune “Stacks”

Brand New School releases “Stacks” for Microsoft’s Zune audio player. Says BNS: First we designed twelve albums featuring the most exciting fake artists of our time.… Read more

Crush and REM Strike Again

After their first well received collaboration with REM (Hollow Man), Crush follows up with “Man Sized Wreath.” This piece deals with an anonymous man’s daily… Read more

W+K Amsterdam for Nike Women

Working with production companies Paranoid and Stink Digital, agency W+K Amsterdam have certainly been cooking something special in their Dutch oven if their latest campaign… Read more

OCB Black Thinking Credits

[See original post] Title: “Black Thin King” Client: Republic Technologies Product: OCB Client contact: Valérie Amiguas Advertising agency: Road (Barcelona) Executive creative director: Emilio Lezaun… Read more

Ahoy, Nathan Love!

The Chips Ahoy Cookie Campaign has long been based on creative kookiness and comedic timing. Who best to execute this vision?  Look no further than… Read more