On The Back Of A Tiger

One effect that I feel many of us can agree on when working in the commercial world is that it can be a bit of… Read more

Review: Division05’s “Snapdragon”

We review the latest educational offering from Division05, "Snapdragon," a comprehensive dissection of a real-world motion graphics project for Qualcomm.

Elijah Raps for Shilo / Cartoon Network

Shilo recently directed and animated this nice little promo for Cartoon Network. A combination of traditional cel, 2D, 3D animation, together with hand-drawn imagery and… Read more

Cartoon Network Spain

Great camera work and sense of space in this 2.5D Halloween journey from Cartoon Network Spain

State of Design 2009

Thanks for attending my State of Design presentation at Promax|BDA North America. Below you’ll find my playlist, including links to videos and credits. Again, I’d… Read more