A New Belief System

Long-standing Cream member Belief’s commercial/broadcast/design arm has turned into a fully fledged studio of its own, Belief Design. Belief, meanwhile, has become the locus for… Read more

The Mill for New Balance

[flv:http://motionographermedia.com/themill/mill-new-balance.flv 468 351] QuickTime version (640×480) I sat on this moody New Balance spot for a while. The visuals are stunning. With set designs that… Read more

Brand New School is Laid Back

During my daily rounds today I happened upon this Cellular South spot from Brand New School’s LA campus. The basic concept isn’t new. By now,… Read more

Umeric busts out a new site

One of our favorite studios, Umeric, has just released a new site showcasing some new work alongside some golden oldies. Usually I am against any… Read more

new Roger site

Roger has a new site and new reel up. Enjoy

Oktobor: Tiger Beer

To christen their new site, Auckland-based Oktobor has released three gorgeous spots for Tiger Beer and agency Saatchi and Saatchi Worldwide. The spots star the… Read more

Addikt: New Site

Amsterdam-based Addikt launches a new site with new work

Hush: New Work

Hush updates with new work, including a cute new spot for Sony Ericsson

Reach Out

Reach Out is an interesting new PSA campaign by the Ad Council through DDB New York that attempts to raise awareness of teen suicide prevention… Read more

[NYC] Digital Labor Conference

This weekend in New York, the New School’s Department of Culture & Media is hosting a conference entitled DIGITAL LABOR: SWEATSHOPS, PICKET LINES, BARRICADES. An… Read more

Black Day to Freedom now online

Rob Chiu’s powerful short film Black Day to Freedom is online now at BBC Film Network. The 2005 short has been screening in festivals and… Read more

Latest Impactist Work

We’ve posted its original incarnation, but Impactist’s “Field Trip” series has a few new additions. Doubling the content, Kelly and Daniel have released not only… Read more

Three legged legs, kickin

It’s a good day when the dudes at Three legged email you to say that they have some new work to show. General Electric enters… Read more

Jayson Whitmore Updates

Jayson Whitmore has long been one of my favorite animator/director/creative directors. His work is quirky but insanely polished. His sense of pacing is impeccable and… Read more

King & Country Turns One

King & Country has officially gotten over the first year hump, and to celebrate their birthday they have a completely reworked site, a lot of… Read more

Stardust’s Big Update

The crew at Stardust has put together a major update. Creating a whole new website, a fresh montage along with a long list of new… Read more