Inspire 07: The Aftermath

Thank you all so much for the kind emails asking about Inspire 07. From my perspective, it went really well, especially for our first time… Read more

Daniel Garcia updates

You may remember recently Daniel Garcia, the dark master of motion graphics, directed videos for MF Doom and the late, legendary J. Dilla. He’s back… Read more

Paris is burning

Paris is on fire again (the city, not the socialite whore). Every time I turn around there’s another hot track or remix or…. girl and… Read more

Get the Glass

Excellent design, animation, interactivity and yes, motion graphics, come together in Get the Glass, an interactive board game from Swedish-based web studio North Kingdom (for… Read more


Ember is Shane Zucker’s and Jason Ett’s Venice based studio with some very slick work to show off. Their website showcases a very refined style… Read more

Len Lye

Sorry for the lack of posts from me lately. I’m in the middle of a week-long road trip from Savannah to San Francisco, and it… Read more

Jonas Odell: The Hours

Jonas Odell (Nexus Productions) has created another music video in his signature style, this time for The Hours. I think one of the reasons Jonas’… Read more

Sehsucht inject music into the blood

Hamburg based motion house Sehsucht have created the mesmerising spot ‘Symphony in Red’ for Konzerthaus Dortmund through the agency Jung von Matt. There isn’t a… Read more

Off to Lalaland

Josie’s Lalaland is an evocative and quite powerful short film by EB Hu, a designer and animator in London. Beyond the moving narration and soundtrack… Read more

Sony vs. Kozyndan Update

Background For those of you who’ve missed the drama, I’ll try to bring you up to date. Last week, we posted the latest spot in… Read more

PSST! Things First

If all the OFFF festival last weekend did was help produce this post from Bran Dougherty-Johnson, then the event should be declared a stunning success.Please… Read more

Vietnam VFX Capitulates

Yesterday, I posted a Quickie that exposed one of the most blatant rip-offs I’ve seen in recent years. The site being ripped was this one,… Read more

Psyop: Guinness “Dot”

Beautiful transitions and lush compositions make this Guinness spot from Psyop worthy of repeat viewing. As with much of Psyop’s work, this spot also uses… Read more

Lobo for Zune

Now I know this isn’t the first Zune related post we’ve made here at Motionographer towers, far from it. But before you groan, close your… Read more

Leroy and Clarkson for Bio

I’ve noticed that, by and large, motion graphics students don’t “get” network packaging. Yeah, they love flashy promos all blinged out to catch viewers’ eyeballs… Read more

Samaritans “Vectorscope”

A while back, we posted a spot for non-profit helpline Samaritans entitled “Doodle” that featured the animation work of Christian Bevilacqua (among others). Christian is… Read more

The Tale Continues…

You may have caught wind of a new company launched by Passion Pictures called Strange Beast. Like Psyop’s Blacklist, Strange Beast has built a roster… Read more

Favorite Color Launches

You may remember not long ago, we posted the personal site of ex-Digital Kitchen designer Lindsay Daniels, who at that time was still getting things… Read more

Studio Chu

Studio Chu is the work of Julian Pablo Manzelli an illustrator, designer and animator from Buenos Aires. He’s got great new work up for Ford… Read more