Stop Motion Goodness

I had been wondering where PES went as I hadn’t seen much from him in awhile. But alas, he is back, and his genius is… Read more

ANNY: Ukiyo-e

QuickTime Version I’m always curious about Japanese motion graphics studios. I know so little about how Asian studios in general are set up, and yet… Read more

Axel Rudolph: Knowledge

[Updated with subtitles] For his final year project at Berufsakademie Ravensburg in Germany, Axel Rudolph created “Knowledge,” a proof-of-concept video for his vision of what… Read more

Marco Brambilla: Civilization

[qt: 960 540] Installation Credits Title: Civilization (MEGAPLEX), 2008 By: Marco Brambilla Client: The Standard Hotel, New York Editor/Research Assistant: Beau Dickson Assistant: Swapna Tamhane… Read more

HunterGatherer’s Signature Series for Fuel

[qt: 960 540] Q&A with Todd St. John, HunterGatherer: 1. The Fuel Signature Series is pretty wide-open, allowing artists a blank canvas to express themselves… Read more

Max Hattler’s 1923 & 1925: Q&A

Questions: How were you introduced to the Animation Workshop, and how did this collaboration come about? Norwegian animation theorist Joakim Pedersen – who I used… Read more

Jungeun Kim: Interview

Interview Most of our features on Motionographer are commercials and shorts we fall in love with and want to share. To shine the light a… Read more

On The Back Of A Tiger

One effect that I feel many of us can agree on when working in the commercial world is that it can be a bit of… Read more

Combo Post

Apologies for my near absence from Motionographer over the past week. I’ve been working like mad on a couple projects for school, and I haven’t… Read more

More Fallon, More Sony

Fallon’s latest (over-hyped) project for Sony follows a familiar formula: Take an urban setting, flood it with something that would otherwise be unremarkable and set… Read more


It’s rare to me to find a piece of work in our industry that seems to have true meaning to someone beyond just creative expression.… Read more

Buck: Sherwin Breakdown

[qt: 960 540] Last week I was lucky enough to have the opportunity to sit down with creative leads Orion Tait, Benjamin Langsfeld & Joshua… Read more

Interview: Lobo Does Dupont

A series of mood boards (PDF) The whole set of mood boards in one go Animatic, showing influences from Maeda and Vasarely (QT 6) An… Read more