The folks at Go Media and I came up with an idea for a simple contest: Make a 1280×1024 wallpaper (.jpg or .gif) using at least one element from this sampling of Go Media’s Vector Packs. The prize for the winner (to be judged by our experienced team of wallpaper connoisseurs) gets the Ultimate Vector Pack, which includes 28 sets of vector art (448 total pieces).
What to Do
1. Download the sample file here.
2. Make a 1280×1024 wallpaper (saved as either a .jpg or a .gif) containing at least one element from the sample file.
3. Send it to contest@motionographer.com.
All entries must be received by 11:59pm on Friday, March 9th.
What You Win (If You Win)
1. Go Media’s Ultimate Vector Pack
2. A post on Motionographer featuring your winning design and linkage to your site (optional)
What’s in it for Motionographer?
Nothing. We’re not making any money off of this. We just thought it’d be cool to have a little design challenge, and this seemed like a good excuse.