This short documentary by designer and filmmaker Hillman Curtis on contemporary graphic design legend Stefan Sagmeister is truly inspiring.
Beautifully shot and edited, the film depicts the opening (and preparation) of Sagmeister’s latest exhibit, “Things I have Learned In My Life So Far”, celebrating his new book by the same name. In it, Sagmeister shares some 20 personal truths he learned—the hard-way—over his life, like, “Having guts always works out for me,” or my personal favorite: “Worrying solves nothing.”
These aphorisms originated from a list in his diary during a year-long sabbatical and became a series of typographic experiments using vernacular objects to convey each message. Some are public (words displayed by huge blow-up monkeys in Scotland), while others are private experiments using different materials (flowers, fabric, etc).
Although it is not a motion graphics piece, this Curtis/Sagmeister feature resonates with all areas of design—and many other (if not all) professions. Sagmeister’s personal truths serve as useful advice for both life and work, and Hillman Curtis’ documentary gives us an insight into Stefan’s genius creative mind and oddly affable personality. The film also features depositions from other design legends, such as Milton Glaser, Bob Gill, Massimo Vignelli and Debbie William.
Make sure to check out Hillman Curtis other Artist Series, featuring artist such as Milton Glaser, Paula Scher, David Carson, Mark Romanek and others, they are all very inspiring, and even educational in a way.
And remember, “Everybody thinks they are right!”
Big thanks to Danny Chan for the tip!