Global greed, the pursuit of happiness, and 2009 have B**** slapped the world. Stories surface daily on the entanglement of American owned companies such as Caterpillar, tied to global trade unions, blockaded by “Buy American” laws.

Watch T. Rowe Price “Ink”
Watch T. Rowe Price “Rice”
With all this ensuing chaos, you begin to see the world for what it is: a fragile system of intermingled, hardworking, soul-filled structures. One link breaks, we’re all susceptible to decay. This staggering decline in our financial world has left companies like T. Rowe Price grappling to reassure and attract consumers uncomfortably aware of the reality of our economic plight.
But T. Rowe Price has hope! As the world nosedives into the dark side, JWT enlisted Psyop super talents Mate Steinforth and Gerald Ding to drive home the message of consumer confidence. Gallantly, Mate, Gerald, and their stellar teams symbolize global connectivity using the simplest ingredients: rice, and ink. The result is a visually compelling, clear message: we’re in it together, and we’re going to be OK.
Read our exlusive interview with Mate Steinforth and Gerald Ding about the creative process behind these two spots.