David O’Reilly: When You’re Smiling

Pictoplasma, the global clearing house for contemporary character design and art, commissioned director David O’Reilly to create the show open for Pictopia, the Pictoplasma exhibition… Read more

H5 for AREVA/Euro RSCG C&O

[pro-player]http://motionograph.wpengine.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/01/AREVA-FILM_60s_UK_H264.mov[/pro-player] We thought you might like to check out the latest stunning animated spot for Areva through Euro RSCG C&O. Directed by H5 through Addict… Read more

Patrick O’Brien Foundation

Transfatty (a.k.a. Patrick O’Brien) needs our help. Actually, he and several hundred thousand people need our help. For those who aren’t familiar with him, Transfatty… Read more

Diogo R. G. Kalil

Wow, the response to Motionographer has been incredible. Thanks to everyone for all the email. Your feedback, suggestions and words of encouragement are what keep… Read more