Ozi Akturk
Ozlem Akturk is a highly talented German-born (UK-based) cinematographer who has made a significant impact in the stop-motion world. She is best known for her contribution to the critically acclaimed and wildly popular Nickelodeon stop-frame animated TV series, “The Tiny Chef Show.”
The show has been a huge success, garnering numerous accolades, including two Webby Awards, a Kids Screen 2023 nomination and an Annie award 2023 nomination.
In addition to her work on “The Tiny Chef Show,” Ozlem Akturk has also made a name for herself in the world of live-action and mixed-media commercials and shorts, showcasing her versatility and range as a cinematographer. Her works have been recognized by audiences and critics alike, cementing her reputation as one of the industry's most talented and sought-after professionals.
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