Author and graphic designer Nikos Cox is thrilled to announce a collaboration with the acclaimed BluBlu Studios to adapt the beloved illustrated children’s book “Jurni” into an animated short film. This partnership marks a significant step in extending the reach of “Jurni,” a story that has touched the hearts of many since its publication in 2020.
“Jurni” follows the journey of an ambitious young girl who must confront and overcome her deepest fears to win a competition, driven by the hope of reuniting with her mother. The book was created to help children, parents, teachers, and caregivers navigate the complexities of grief and loss. The themes of perseverance, hope, and emotional healing resonate deeply, making “Jurni” a valuable resource for fostering healthy conversations about grief.
BluBlu Studios, known for its exceptional storytelling and artistic excellence, is an ideal partner for this project. The studio, founded by Jacob and Monika Kurek, has a rich history of producing impactful educational and advocacy content for young audiences. Their work includes collaborations with major educational publishers like Macmillan and Pearson, and they have been recognized for their contributions to mental health awareness and environmental conservation through animation.
“We are excited to work with BluBlu Studios, whose mission and values align perfectly with the core message of “‘Jurni.’” Their expertise in creating meaningful and engaging content for children is exactly what we need to bring this story to life in a new medium. Our goals is to reach a global audience with a message of resilience and healing.”
BluBlu Studios has garnered prestigious accolades, including a Sundance Award for “Porcelain War,” which explores the complexities of emotions during the war in Ukraine. Their commitment to social advocacy through art makes them a fitting collaborator for “Jurni,” a project that aims to address the universal experience of grief in a way that is accessible and comforting for children.
The animated adaptation of “Jurni” will allow the story to reach an even wider audience, providing a visual and emotional experience that complements the book’s original narrative. The film will follow the same meticulous creative process that BluBlu Studios is known for, ensuring that the animation is not only visually stunning but also deeply resonant with viewers.
Nikos Cox and BluBlu Studios are dedicated to creating content that supports emotional resilience in children. This animated film is the first of many planned projects that will continue to explore and address significant life changes and emotional challenges.
The Jurni Project
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the_jurni. (Instagram)