Black Panther: Wakanda Forever | Marvel Studios | Perception



Marvel Studios approached our team at Perception to conceptualize all of the advanced technology of Wakanda and craft a main on end title sequence to accompany their newest film, Black Panther: Wakanda Forever. This montage highlights all of the work we contributed to the film in our 2 year collaboration with Marvel Studios, including the Chadwick Boseman Marvel Studios logo animation, interfaces, HUDs, holograms, and the end title sequence. Between these final designs, you can see some behind the scenes shots and look development.

But there is still so much more to see! If you want to learn all about how we created the incredible technology of Wakanda and the emotional end title sequence, head over to and view our Black Panther: Wakanda Forever case studies!


Co-Founders: Danny Gonzalez and Jeremy Lasky
Head of Production: Eric Daly
Senior Producer: Derek Manzella
Production Coordinators: Veronica Gail, Jamie Young, Alexandra Gutierrez
Perception Chief Creative: Doug Appleton
Creative Supervisor: Greg Herman
Art Supervisor: Ryan Close
Art Supervisor / Cinematographer: Christian Haberkern
Perception Special Thanks: John LePore
Artists: Vivian Amaro, Seiji Anderson, Taylor Cox, Nocky Dinh, Handel Eugene, Sarah Anne Gibson, Ran Huo, Nick Hurst, Daniel Lazo, Vlad Lysenco, Sanu Sagar, Tyler Shuster, Sergio Rincon, Skan Triki, Dave Weinstock, Edward Yang