Revenant | British As Folk


British As Folk follows comedians Fern Brady, Darren Harriott and Ivo Graham as they discover and interrogate the stereotypes and traditions that make up British life. Along the way, they create a unique and brutally honest guide to the UK.

In going for a guerrilla-style opening for this irreverent cross-country comedy program, we spray-painted a map of the UK onto 48 sheets of MDF arranged on the floor of the historic Leith Theatre in Edinburgh and shot it with a DJI Mini 2 drone and remote-control car rigged with two GoPros. We then integrated 2 & 3D animation, including the specially created avatar caricatures of the talent, and sound-tracked it with a killer punk inspired theme and sound FX from the masters at BXFTYS. All this to design a colourful, kinetic opening sequence to capture the spirit of our young comedians careening around the UK.


Creative Director – Kev McCrae
Managing Director – Pam Nelson
Lead Designer – Ross Sneddon
Character Design & Animation – Sean Mulvenna
Art Director – Ross Douglas
Music & Sound Design – BXFTYS