Self-Care Tips with Pinkie & Handtonio | Super Dope

Super Dope

Navigating healthy habits in the modern era can be quite the challenge.

It’s much easier with a support group, though, and that’s exactly why we created Self-Care Tips with Pinkie & Handtonio.

This dynamic duo is here to aggressively remind us of the consequences our unhealthy habits can have on our well-being.

Through six different tips, Pinkie, the embodiment of our not-so-stellar habits, playfully showcases some unfortunately relatable behaviors. Enter Handtonio, who steps in to personify the results of those habits, making it crystal clear just how self-destructive they can be.

In the midst of this journey, Pinkie and Handtonio are there to encourage us to slow down, embrace positive changes, and shower ourselves with some much-needed love.

With these two as our guides, we hope to conquer those unhealthy habits and embrace a brighter, more fulfilling life.


Created & Directed by Super Dope
Design: Christine Kim, Damien Bastelica
2D Animation: Damien Bastelica
Storyboards: Damien Bastelica, Christine Kim
Modeling: Elizabeth Ku-Herrero, Eric Cunha
Look Dev: Elizabeth Ku-Herrero, Eric Cunha, Victor Hugo
Rigging: Rijah Kazuo, Michael Sime, Eric Cunha
Animation: Doug Litos, Eric Cunha, Michael Sime
FX: Eric Cunha
Lighting + Comping: Elizabeth Ku-Herrero, Eric Cunha, Christine Kim
VO Pinkie: Elizabeth Ku-Herrero
VO Handtonio: Damien Bastelica


From the creator: