From the creator:
This short film opens the YL male voice choir’s ”Journey” concerts and doubles as their introduction film in their online communication.
YL has a long history of work with many legendary Finnish composers – most notably Jean Sibelius – but today they’re also interpreters of more contemporary choir music. The challenge we faced was capturing this scale and history in a 2 minute short. Our solution was to turn it into a poetic piece that pays tribute to classic Finnish poster design and the golden age of Finnish art.
Director — Ville Salervo
Designer — Ville Salervo
Compositor — Kristian Lindén
2D Animator — Emmiina Jokinen
Production Assistant — Sanna Lindroos
Producer — Misha Lagerstedt
Music — Anton Valle
Sound Design — Silencio
Client — Ylioppilaskunnan Laulajat