This short film, entitled WOFL, by David O’Reilly is fantastic. I love the animation of the little wolf thing. I can’t quite explain it, but the subtle stop motion like pulses in it’s movement are really nice. Also, pay attention to the perspective shifts… there is something about them and how they were created that’s really great. And the use of simply cutting out square sections from the trees make for some really fantastic compositions, which lend themselves to the story even. Great stuff. Except for the picture of that dudes head. I saw that guy on the internet awhile back. He has some disease, and is quite scary looking. Poor guy.
David O’Reilly – ‘For me it was an experiment with a few visual things before I went into something bigger. In any case I’m happy and equally surprised that others seem to like it.’
Looking forward to seeing what this ‘bigger’ is….