There’s a bunch of great work that I want to post, but I’ve only got a couple minutes before I have to head to class. With just two days left in the quarter, things are pretty hectic. Sleep is not a friend to me.
It makes perfect sense, then, that I relate to the cyborgian metamorphoses in 1st Avenue Machine’s lastest effort, a trailer for the Japan MTV Video Music Awards.

1st Avenue Machine has quickly established itself as a serious player in the “shaky camera + CG elements in the city” game. It’s tricky work, because even general viewers are hyper-sensitive to the compositing without even realizing it. The slightest aberration in lighting or shading can be devastatingly distracting.
I think 1st Avenue Machine generally does a great job avoiding such distractions�although I must admit I did find myself at times wondering if maybe this surface was too bright or if that edge was too sharp. Because the spot moves along at such a rapid clip, however, my misguided ponderings were mercifully cut short, and I was able to simply enjoy the show.
I hope you can do the same.