I happened to spot this new commercial for gap on tv yesterday and went hunting for it. Couldn’t find who actually did it, but found the commercial on the gap site. A bit of a continuation of Justins insight about the whole analog digital thing. I think this is a good example of taking an analog to an obviously digital level of existance, but pulling it back again to mix with the analog for the sake of style and nostalgia. Extruded stars never really did it for me, but they seem to show up so much. However, sketch them out, render them flat, then start twisting the planes around, and voila, it’s totally hip, as gap is(not really). Mix in some shadows on the talent, and here we go, back to a percieved analogue, a kind we are all getting so used to, but is oh so sexy. It is this mix of analogue, digital, and percieved analog that makes motion graphics like this, ‘more than’. The animation is just spot on. Looks like it was a fun job. But sorry, doesn’t make me wanna buy gap clothes.
If anyone knows who did it, let us know!
*edit* it’s been reported that Shilo is responsible for this one. Thanks for the tip Shaun