FUEL International along with the Sydney Film Company have produced this great little tvcfor McDonalds here in Australia. Directed by Josh Baker, the spot featues these little imagination-driven vignettes depicting how kids might see the world as opposed to their parents. As the press release states:
“Kids tend to see things a little differently to the rest of us. A simple trip to McDonald’s heads in a more magical direction.”
Its really a VFX-driven piece moreso than motion graphics, but the story/concept is quite sweet (although I’m sure I’ve seen something similar in terms of the alternate-views type thing before) and it is wonderfully executed. Strangely, the point is to promote a new product line of pasta happy meals as a follow on to McDonalds apparently becoming more ‘healthy’. It’s McDonalds dammit, if you want your kids to eat healthy, don’t take them to McDonalds!
Uh, while I go calm myself down, you can check out the quicktime here.