Excellent design, animation, interactivity and yes, motion graphics, come together in Get the Glass, an interactive board game from Swedish-based web studio North Kingdom (for agency Goodby, Silverstein & Partners).

Truthfully, any attempt to distinguish motion graphics graphics from the onslaught of visual awesomeness is pretty tricky business. And that’s what I like about a lot of web-based work: it can be intensely hybrid, blurring the lines between disciplines to create something new, something that doesn’t easily fit into existing pigeonholes.
When I’m burned out and looking for ideas, sites like Get the Glass and the 300 movie site often do the trick. The clever animation of a button or text element can often knock loose a few novel thoughts in my mind. For more inspiration like that, I turn to The FWA, the best resource for motion graphics-infused web projects that I’ve found.