One of my favorite hard-to-classify studio-agency-type-things has relaunched their site. As before, EVB puts their work right up front. Given the outstanding quality and boundary-pushing execution of their projects, that’s a very good thing.

But EVB isn’t one of my hero companies just because they know how to make pretty pictures. They also know how to think. They have embraced the convergence of broadcast and interactive markets (and production techniques) for a long time. Their philosophy sums it up nicely:
“The digital consumer is not media captive, as yesterday’s consumer was. They have the ability to filter the marketing messages they receive. They are born multi-taskers that jump from device to device and media to media with the touch of a button or a click of a mouse. As a result, advertising has become easier and easier to ignore. And the content that fills those digital devices has become king.”
I think for a few readers of this site, EVB is probably a little frustrating. They don’t seem to create motion graphics in ways that are normally promoted on Motionographer (although they do have an impressive reel). Instead, they create online experiences that use the language of motion graphics to tell compelling stories about products and brands. EVB is not alone in the world of online advertising, but they are one of the smarter kids on the block. Motion graphics artists can look at their attitude as a signpost to the future.