It’s been a while since we’ve posted work by Stardust, and I’ve missed their polished style. Their triumphant return to Motionographer’s humble spotlight is with this lushly detailed, fluidly animated spot for Finland’s premier coffee brand, Paulig Presidentti.

What I find interesting about this spot is the conspicuous absence of the favorite color of all coffee ads: brown. Instead the comps are suffused with olive greens and deep golds. It’s a refreshing change. And I doubt very seriously that the transitions could have been executed any better. Super silky smooth.
Here’s a tidbit from the press release:
With the job awarded, work began quickly, involving a great deal of interaction between New York and Helsinki. To develop the project, create and master their final animation, Stardust’s artists used Maya, Real Flow and Adobe After Effects, as well as a 2D equivalent to traditional cel animation. As the work progressed, motion tests and other materials were posted for review every couple of days. ‘There was constant feedback,â€? Bibby said, “and as everything came together, they were really happy. It became a total labor of love for everyone involved, and the artists kept working on it until it was the level that everyone wanted to see.â€?
I always find it admirable when a client can keep that close to the studio without micromanaging the project into the ground. Obviously Stardust and agency SEK & GREY had some pretty wicked mojo going. Makes all the difference in the world.