Really great copywriting and a friendly hand-made feel make this spot for Luft Logistics by Brazilian collective Monsta one of the most enjoyable commercials I’ve seen in a while. Like their previous spot for Luft, this one takes us on a whirl-wind ride through the reasons behind a scientific measurement that has it’s origins routed in some really basic and seemingly ridiculous history. The whole thing has the feeling of one of those “Did you know?” historical / factual books I read as a kid (some time in the early 1800s).
I love the fact that this spot all lives in its own space (a packing box), and the jerky, sticky-back tape feel of the motion is really endearing. I’m not in love with the heavy spot-lighting, but it does its job nicely of pulling our attention from one place to the next.
Monsta looked after art direction, illustration, filming (all done in one take) and post. The whole project took around 2 months to complete. Post was completed using AE, Poser and Cinema 4D.
Oh, and thanks to Boca for translation services. Cachaça are on me ; )
Client: Luft Logistics
Agency: Dm9DDB
Script:Fabio Straccia
Directorial Studio: Monsta Brazil
Direction: Felipe Vellasco, Pedro Gravena and Mario Clear
Art direction: Felipe Vellasco and Pedro Gravena
Illustrations: Marco Loschiavo e Pedro Gravena.