Motion Theory crafts some beautiful moments for W+K Amsterdam and Tanqueray in this deceptively simple spot
Motion Theory crafts some beautiful moments for W+K Amsterdam and Tanqueray in this deceptively simple spot
[qt:http://motionograph.wpengine.com/wp-content/uploads/2009/07/paris-noslate-h2641.mov 720 404]
Creative Directors Jeff Kling and John Norman
Copywriter Hector Muelas and Brandon Davis
Art Director Mark Sloan and Sezay Altinok
Producer Kimia Farshizad
Account Team AD- Abi Findlay, AM- Lisa Cadwallader
Planner Jenny Howard
Executive Creative Directors Jeff Kling and John Norman
Agency Executive Producer Corey Bartha
Production Company Motion Theory
Director Mathew Cullen and Jesus de Francisco
Executive Producer Javier Jimenez
Line Producer Scott Gemmell
Director of Photography Paul Cameron
Editorial Company String
Editor Colin Woods (Backstage), Doron Dor (Paris, 3 Glasses)
Assistant Editor Jeff Aquino
Editorial Coordinator Peter Nelson
Colorist Siggy Ferstl (Company 3)
VFX Company Motion Theory
Creative Director Mathew Cullen
Art Director Jesus de Francisco
VFX Producer Patrick Nugent
CG Supervisor Charles Paek
Design Lead Angela Zhu
Designers Casey McIntyre, Leanne Dare, John Fan, June Kim, Paul Kim, Stephen Lee, My Tran, Wilson Wu
Technical Director John Tumlin
3D Artists John Tumlin, Mauro Contaldi, Errol Lanier, Bryan Repka
Realflow Artist Jennifer Hachigian
Comp Lead Andrew Ashton (Paris, Backstage, 3 Glasses), Stuart Cripps (3 Glasses)
Compositors Casey McIntyre, Matt Motal, Danny Yoon, Danny Koenig, Matt Lavoy, Carlos Morales, Duy Nguyen, Chris Riehl, Michael Tello, Wilson Wu
Rotoscope Artists Megan Gaffney, Rob Liscombe, Eva Snyder, Sam Winkler
Matte Painter Ram Bhat
2nd Unit Tabletop DP Zen Sekizawa
Artist James Jean
Storyboard Artist Yori Mochizuki
Post-Production Coordinator Paul Pianezza
Scheduling Coordinator Tina Van Delden
Music+Sound Company Lime Studios
Composer !!! (Paris), The Black Lips (3 Glasses and Backstage)