Years ago, as a student, I read Stefan Sagmeister’s list of personal goals. There were heaps of silly ones, but one has remained with me ever since. ‘Touch someone’s heart with a piece of design’. I think that’s a very important goal, and am glad to see so many of us in Motion Design field have achieved it.

That’s precisely what Spike Jonze has done with this. I cried buckets! So I want to make sure you, dear readers, don’t miss it. Hence the upgrade from quickie status.
Similar to ‘Where The Wild Things Are’, this film carries the narrative with a youthful tenderness, a touch of naivete. It may not be subtle or complex, nor intellectual, but that’s exactly why it deeply moved me. Andrew Garfield (of Dr Parnassus’ fame), was brilliant as Sheldon, our protagonist. I have seldom heard such mixture of sincerity and bashfulness come across so clearly in a character’s voice.
Now, about the release format itself. Could this be the future for independent films? Most of us at HQ agree the ‘limited seats’ thing is an unecessary gimmick, but we’re a little divided on the presentation side. I personally like the cinema-going virtual experience (although I can only put up with it on first viewing). while some others think it’s pretentious and unnecessary. What about you, readers? What do you think?
Regardless, sit back, relax, dim the lights, and snuggle up to enjoy ‘I’m Here’.