(mt) to the (rescue)

Pardon while I gush. This post is completely unsolicited; I simply believe in recognizing good work when I see it—especially when I’m the direct beneficiary… Read more

Transistor Studios / James Price

Transistor Studios has recently posted a new Coke spot directed by the multi-talented James Price, who has just launched his own personal web presence. The… Read more

Advances in CG Motion Blur

Interesting tech demo of the latest advancements in CGI motion blur. (via Cartoon Brew)


From London-based This is Real Art comes a project that hits all my soft spots:  space tech, information graphics, and a reserved, modern design aesthetic.… Read more

Psyop: HP Maestro

This new advert for HP’s TouchSmart PC from Psyop is full of verve and sophistication. Instead of aiming for photo-realistic CG, agency Goodby, Silverstein &… Read more

Finally, Flying Cars AND Sweat Protection

[flv:http://motionographermedia.com/themill/rexona.flv 468 351]640×480 QuickTime Rexona spared no expense on this futuristic advert for, of all things, antiperspirant. The directorial tone is more Back to the… Read more

Rare Volume: Beyond the Airdate

Obsessed with pixel-perfect tech, Rare Volume debuts their new website, showcasing how it’s done outside the traditional broadcast landscape. Q&A with Partners Jonathan Kim (Creative… Read more

Oddfellows: Works With Nest

Oddfellows winds through a connected home with a heck of a lot of animation and illustration charm. We asked them to give us a small peek inside the… Read more