Fox Cult: Part 2

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Board Summit: Day 2 Round-Up

As we all recover from the Boards Summit, here’s a recap of some notable items from Day 2. The morning session, Business as Unusual, was… Read more

Bare Bones Films Vol. 2

Bare Bones Films Vol. 2 debuted on Nov. 12th in London and will be making it’s way around the US and EU soon.

The Witcher 2: Ice Bomb Trailer

Jaw-dropping trailer created by Platige Image for CD Projekt RED’s forthcoming Xbox 360/PC title, The Witcher 2. WARNING: Extreme gore. Credits and more info here.

Team Fortress 2: Meet the Pyro

Valve’s latest promo for Team Fortress 2 proves that sometimes you just need to shift your perspective and voila! — the world is a magical… Read more

Christopher Mills for The Acorn

[flv: 468 263]QuickTime 960×540 | QuickTime 640×360 Curious Pictures’ Christopher Mills brought his lively directorial style to bear on “Flood Pt. 1,” a lively new… Read more


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