Stephane Berla for Dionysos

Here’s a new music video/animated short and interview from renowned director, Stéphane Berla. Drawing from influences ranging from Roald Dahl and Tim Burton to Youri… Read more

Adolescent Update

New York’s Adolescent updates their website / reel with lots of new work!

Ubik: MTV 3650

Directing duo Ubik (recently signed to Not to Scale) created MTV 3650, a heartfelt contribution to MTV’s Switch campaign. Shooting on a 16mm Bolex camera… Read more

Johnny Kelly: Procrastination

“Procrastination is playing imaginary computer games with your furniture.” Quite possibly my favorite line/visual so far in 2008. I cannot say enough good things about… Read more

New Interview: Garson Yu of yU+co

The portfolio of Los Angeles-based yU+co includes a staggering array of work for TV and film. Their founder and creative director, Garson Yu, chatted with… Read more

Jiaren Hui

Some nice work over on Jiaren Hui’s website! (thanks Linco)

Double Your Pleasure

There’s a lot of nice, clean and functional motion work by London-based Double G Studios for BBC One, Chanel 4 and Audi Channel. These spots… Read more

Chad Pugh: Science Machine

This time-lapse vector illustration video from Chad Pugh functions as both a high-speed tour through Chad’s creative process and as a music video. Watching Chad… Read more

2008 Otis Digital Media Senior Show

There’s always promising young talent on display at the Otis Digital Media Senior Show. Industry night is Thursday, May 8th from 6-9pm. Friends and family… Read more

Important Looking Pirates for Oscar Magnuson

This is kind of a super-Quickie: In collaboration with Oscar Magnuson Spectacles, Stockholm-based Important Looking Pirates created some interesting animations for an installation. Each undersea… Read more

BNS – Zune “Stacks”

Brand New School releases “Stacks” for Microsoft’s Zune audio player. Says BNS: First we designed twelve albums featuring the most exciting fake artists of our time.… Read more

Cassiano Prado for ZeroUm

Cassiano Prado has released another project in his minimalist series of works for music group ZeroUm. As with the live visuals he created for the… Read more

Nokia Style Guide

Taking illustrations from James Taylor as their starting point, James “Mutanthands” Wignall and co-animator Mark Warrington built a little Pied Piper narrative for agency fivefootsix,… Read more

My Paperhouse On Fire

Sebastian Haslauer and Sebastian Koch lovingly crafted this new music video for phon°noir’s “My Paperhouse On Fire.” The Dada-esque collage style is punctuated throughout by… Read more

AENY: Thursday, June 26th

It’s getting near that time again, and After Effects New York has a nice one-two punch coming up this Thursday, June 26th from 6:45 to… Read more

Big Star’s 2008 Showreel

Kromag #05

Kromag #05: featuring King&Country, Hue Visualab, Björn Bartholdy, BL:ND, Tronic, Loyalkaspar & Shilo’s We Make It Good