FAB 2023 Festival Trailer | Dyrdee Media


Our latest work for the Festival of Animation Berlin opens the 2023 edition with Punk-Flavored Fun!

Each screening throughout the wide range of categories starts with the trailer setting the tone for a unique creative event in the heart of Berlin.

The idea was, to celebrate each member of the animation community as a unique star, that shakes up boredom and dreadness.

As Punk aesthetics and attitude are very characteristic of Berlin, we added references to Punk fashion and combined them with some funny animation-related quotes.

The animation was done by simulating every star in Cinema 4D to interact with the different environments, which adds a realistic feel to the movement.


Client: Festival of Animation Berlin
Production: dyrdee
Director: dyrdee
CD: Ole Keune, Ljubisa Djukic
Producer: Sven Henrichs, Ninett Hartmann
3D: Antonin Moucha, Sohrab Roshanaee, Konrad Müller, Jade Wu
2D: Jade Wu, Emeline Thévenin, Seth van Heyster
Sound: Hofkapellmeister