From the creator:
“The Smirk Heard Around the World”
Title sequence we developed for a documentary that explores the confrontation between a young, affluent student and a Native American elder on the steps of the Lincoln Memorial, an event that was recorded, went viral, and became known as the smirk heard around the world.
The Boys in the Red Hats deftly explores the media's obsession with immediacy over accuracy, the danger in prioritizing intent over impact and what it's going to take if we ever hope to bridge the deep divides in our communities--and our country.
Client: Shark Dog Films
Producer: Eden Sabolboro
Creative Direction: Andre Foster, Guy Allen
Cel Animation: Jessica Rowden, Watty Watkins
2D Animation: Andre Foster, Guy Allen,
3D Animation: Andre Foster
Design & Illustration: Joe Dao
Sound Design: Sono Sanctus