A classic horror short story by W.W. Jacobs, *The Monkey’s Paw* follows a cursed relic that grants its holder three wishes, each with devastating, unforeseen consequences. As desires turn into nightmares, the tale serves as a chilling reminder that some things are better left untouched.
It delves into themes of fate, greed, and the peril of trying to control destiny.
Director: Kayu Leung
Writer: Iseult Gillespie
Narrator: Jack Cutmore-Scott
Composer: Red Stems Music
Sound Designer & Mixer: Weston Fonger, Sound Goods
Executive Creative Director: Logan Smalley
Director of Production: Gerta Xhelo
Produced by: Sazia Afrin
Editorial Director: Alex Rosenthal
Editorial Producer: Cella Wright
A classic horror short story by W.W. Jacobs, *The Monkey’s Paw* follows a cursed relic that grants its holder three wishes, each with devastating, unforeseen consequences. As desires turn into nightmares, the tale serves as a chilling reminder that some things are better left untouched.
It delves into themes of fate, greed, and the peril of trying to control destiny.
Director: Kayu Leung
Writer: Iseult Gillespie
Narrator: Jack Cutmore-Scott
Composer: Red Stems Music
Sound Designer & Mixer: Weston Fonger, Sound Goods
Executive Creative Director: Logan Smalley
Director of Production: Gerta Xhelo
Produced by: Sazia Afrin
Editorial Director: Alex Rosenthal
Editorial Producer: Cella Wright
Social Media:
Instagram: @kayu.caillou.kayu
Web: kayuleung.com