From the creator:
Purely a passion project, here is a story bursting with intrigue complete with clandestine operations, back door deals and a total lack of leadership from the Trump Administration. But this isn’t a story. This happened. And the fact that Maryland, along with other state and local governments, had to James Bond their way into securing PPE and coronavirus testing is nothing short of shocking. We wanted this to feel real because it is real. The transitions needed to be smooth and the tone to be dark. We leaned into the visual styles of Oliver Stone’s JFK, The X-Files and high contrast illustration with strong single source lighting. By compositing 2D and flat shaded 3D elements, we were able to reap all the benefits of real world sweeping camera movements and parallax along with quick reading forms to draw the eye much like traditional illustration would. When deciding on the visuals, we were riding a fine line between journalism and entertainment. This is a fact based thriller, but a thriller no less. The same rang true for our choice of voiceover. We therefore enlisted Joe Madison, famed radio talk-show host, DMV local and political and social activist, to deliver a simultaneously serious and intriguing narration. At present, COVID-19 has sadly claimed over 115,000 American lives. Our recovery starts with the truth. Please, get tested and stay safe.
VP, Head of Production: Monesha Lever
Executive Creative Director/ Writer: Heather Roymans
Associate Creative Director: Erica Kern
Sr. Designer/ Animator: Eric Diga
Sr. Designer/ Animator: Jason Leta
Sr. Editor: Justin Kanner
Sound Design: Nate Hoeft
Sound Design & Audio Mix: Tyler Proctor
Narration provided by: Joe Madison
Music provided by: Pond 5