Oriental Films – Charly Guitiérrez | Cuarteto de Nos – El Perro de Alcíbiades
‘El Perro de Alcíbiades’ has its origin in an anecdote of ancient Greece.
Alcíbiades, being in the public discussion due to his poor performance in the Greek Senate, chose to cut off the tail of his dog as a method of distraction, so that the Greek society would focus its attention on the dog and not on his political life.
How many tailless dogs attract our attention these days?
Cuarteto de Nos 2024
Porfiado Records – Oriental Films
Direction: Charly Gutierrez
VFX & Composition: Adriana “Pocha” Amejeiras & Juan González
Graphic Design: Martín Cáceres
Animation: Matías Bervejillo
Post: Martina Sanguinetti
Studio: Oriental Fims
Media Management: Felipe Sotoholt
‘El Perro de Alcíbiades’ has its origin in an anecdote of ancient Greece.
Alcíbiades, being in the public discussion due to his poor performance in the Greek Senate, chose to cut off the tail of his dog as a method of distraction, so that the Greek society would focus its attention on the dog and not on his political life.
How many tailless dogs attract our attention these days?
Cuarteto de Nos 2024
Porfiado Records – Oriental Films
Direction: Charly Gutierrez
VFX & Composition: Adriana “Pocha” Amejeiras & Juan González
Graphic Design: Martín Cáceres
Animation: Matías Bervejillo
Post: Martina Sanguinetti
Studio: Oriental Fims
Media Management: Felipe Sotoholt
Social Media:
Instagram: @charlygutierrezbayarres @oriental_films
Facebook: /orientalfilmsuy