Polyester Studio | Explorers of the unexpected


A delightful blend of studio tour and character manifesto.

It’s easy talk about the power of characters, but we needed to show how great characters can make you stand out and be remembered.

Our goal was not just communicating what Polyester is about, but to create a proof of concept piece that shows our clients that brand characters can be better than fake famous influencers at creating lasting value.


Directed by Polyester Studio
2D Design / Concept art: SJ Lee
Cel Artists: SJ Lee, Lily Chiao
Lead 3D Artist: Jakub Szczesniak
3D Artists: Luis Campos, Oliver Dead
Compositors: Oliver Dead, Jakub Szczesniak
Editing: Oliver Dead
Writing: Egin Kongoli
Character Voices: Hans Wackershauser, Julie Mallet Paret, Darrell Brown, all with Ta-Da Voiceworks
Audio and Sound Design: Jeff Moberg

Social Media:

Instagram: polyesterstudio