Rooftop – Steven ‘Joff’ Carter | UNICEF South Sudan – Stolen

UNICEF South Sudan provided us with a number of case studies from their archives. To ensure the identities of the women were protected, Rooftop developed two animation videos based on their stories. The unrestricted nature of animation helped give our team the freedom they needed to create raw, emotive scenes that resonate with a wide range of audiences.

‘Stolen’ took eight weeks to complete. The 3D animation project was also inspired by the real-life experiences of young girls in South Sudan.

For this video, the creative team took a unique approach, excluding dialogue completely. This allows a wide range of audiences to be completely immersed in the story through visuals, sound effects and soundtrack. The Rooftop team used motion capture to drive the realistic movements of the characters and to create a sense of connection with the audience.


Production: Rooftop Productions
Director: Steven ‘Joff’ Carter
Lead Animator: Edwin Toi
Animator: Gideon Redelinghuys
Audio Design: Kayly Miskin