A beauty exploration of connection and imagination, this short film tells the tale of a sweet lady visited by a giant spider in her apartment.
What begins as an unexpected encounter transforms into a whimsical dance of friendship and flirtation, blurring the boundaries between fear and affection.
As the dream unravels, reality returns with an act of kindness: the lady saves the spider’s life, leaving us to reflect on the beauty of compassion and the magic of dreams.
*Winner of BEST SOUND in the 2024 Node Ident Awards.
Animator: Steven Bunyan
Sound Design: Patrick Henchman
A beauty exploration of connection and imagination, this short film tells the tale of a sweet lady visited by a giant spider in her apartment.
What begins as an unexpected encounter transforms into a whimsical dance of friendship and flirtation, blurring the boundaries between fear and affection.
As the dream unravels, reality returns with an act of kindness: the lady saves the spider’s life, leaving us to reflect on the beauty of compassion and the magic of dreams.
*Winner of BEST SOUND in the 2024 Node Ident Awards.
Animator: Steven Bunyan
Sound Design: Patrick Henchman
Social Media:
Instagram: @steven.motiondesign @patrickhenchmanaudio