Street Tests, Particular2 Tests by Eric Epstein

Picture 7

Street Tests, Particular2 Tests by Eric Epstein



Hey Eric!?

What did you use to do your 3D tracking?…syntheyes?


I used PFHoe Pro, aside from two shots that were more stationary.


could u do the same in apple motion??? or something similar

@heymaxvfx you need a 3D tracking app, like SynthEyes, PFTrack, Boujou, or PFHoe to solve for the camera. Then you’d bring the camera data into AE and use Trapcode 2 to create the animated elements. Motion is really limited.


Fantastically Saweet!


Good job Eric Epstein !
Could you possibly tell me how u create shadows of particle on the streets ?
Does particles cast shadows on another layer ?
or else ?
thanx !


@ shahab. The shadows feature provides shading but does not cast shadows really. Those are pre-comps of the same particle setup laid on the ground.


Hey Eric ! thanx !
an other quastion!
Is particulars effect of a layer cast shadows on particular effect on another layer ?
I think u r using 3 or more particular layers for “streaklet on street” part of your proj. Is that right? so it seems that upper layers are casting shadows on the beneath layers ( particular layers) and they are darker !

May be a little tutorial !
Thank you very much!

heymaxvfx Thanks that’s good to know, i had no idea AE could read a Syneyes file (or 3D track)

Thanks :)

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